The Chase for you

I love the collection of piggy banks that my kids have. It reminds me of the one I had though not so fancy as theirs but was made of clay and it was quite beautiful to look at. Every year we would be given a new one and the only way we could take out our savings was by breaking it. May be that’s why we could save our money . Once broken we would count and then we were given the money saved to buy whatever we want. I guess that is why me and my brother would always be in a race to save as much as we could.
My kids too have a piggy bank, not one but many but it’s easier to take out money by unlocking it. Though they never need to open it as we always get them what they require, thanking God for that. On occasions we do give them money or when we go on a vacation but they spend it not on themselves but on someone they think needs it. They often ask me how do they find someone in need while others just pass by. Well thats something I noticed too. Eventually their money would go for the needy and we would be happy buying them something for every good deed done.
We are always chasing money, we want to accumulate wealth, we all want to be rich and many of us just save and keep it for our future to enjoy, when we will be old. But money I see is never ours for it goes to who it belongs. You save and keep adding on for that one day but actually you are doing it for the person who will get it once your gone. We chase money and forget to enjoy life . We look for ways to get more but you actually do it for someone else. There are many of us who give it through charity, to the needy, to the hungry or homeless and we enjoy seeing the smile on their faces in front of us. Money never belongs to us for it travels. Its a game of passing the parcel, we use it when our turn comes. It travels from one pocket to another . Money is like a vagabond, it stays to travel somewhere else and we keep chasing it throughout our lives and still do not get it forever. I wish we could chase moments and live them for they stay always in our hearts, in our minds. I wish we could chase relationships and held them in our arms not letting them go. I wish we could just live.

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