The leaf

The more I took a step
I heard the crumbling sound
Under my heels.
I stopped and picked it up but was it this one in which I mistakenly stepped on. Which one was it ? I was a bit confused as I never understood which of the ones I hurt. The dried, pale leaves had decided to let go of themselves after so many years. They had seen sunshine, rain and storms. They had been a family to that tree which stood the tallest in this particular part of the forest. The place which had only been frequently visited by those termed as wild. But of late a lot of others , not part of this natural community, had started visiting. When they were green and younger life was vibrant and energetic. They had in their younger age provided shade to those around. But now lay scattered to be trampled upon.
Strange isn’t it but true that once you lose your vigour , your beauty there is a change in everything and everyone around. I stood there and just looked around me, so many dried leaves that did make a sound as if it hurt once someone stepped on it. Or were they calling and crying out , scared of being blown away by a storm or strong winds to places that were new. Where no one would recognise them . But who does recognise a leaf. Yes we all do , the common ones, how weird we never step on something that is fresh and new , is beautiful , colourful. It is useful for everyone. But once you lose yourself , the same people find it ok to sweep and throw you away or walk over you, I stood there and suddenly heard my friends call out. I started walking and there was no way I could have avoided placing my foot on the dried leaves. I was feeling bad and then I just thought how beautiful it is to see this long walk with the dried leaves fall like a carpet in front of you. As if welcoming you to their place, their home. It soon made me feel a lot better and I just thought. When young and green they give us shade and when old they pave the way for us to walk on.
Thoughts, feelings and emotions could be positive or negative. This decides on how you feel about something at that moment and changes your perspective in a moment. I was feeling sad to see the leaves fall and we walked over it . The moment I changed my thought I felt better that they still were there making my walk enjoyable in the place that was their home and I was a visitor. I picked up a few of them, put them in my bag to carry them with me but soon I stumbled and fell , the bag overturned and the leaves just fell apart off it. Maybe they wanted to stay there, maybe they wanted to be in their home, maybe they wanted to just perish one day still being of use even when they were weak and old. I had come out in the open and looked back at the trail. Beautiful it did look with the greens hanging on top of the tree providing the shade to the ones that lay down weak and old. Cycle of life this is one when one leaves giving the young to take charge of life which was once lived by them.

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