The Storyteller

My storyteller is one of the greatest discoveries that anyone could find . So many stories that only happened between me and the storyteller. Everyday , when all would be asleep , I would sit down and see it write down stories that I would speak. There was a deal that we had that the stories would not be shared . They would just be for me to read . Whenever I was alone I would sit down and note down everything to continue from where I left. At times there would be something totally unrelated that I would ask my story teller to note down. I never wanted anyone to read what I read till the day there was nothing more to add to it. Years passed by and it was now complete. There were a few pages left but I had nothing to write anymore.
My storyteller kept quiet as was our deal till one fine day someone got hold of it . My story teller was not a very trustworthy person . The moment the storyteller was found the stories would be shared. Many times I did catch the story teller on time . I never wanted to let anyone know what was going on . I knew the day someone found out I have this story teller who is always very eager to begin, the story would create a lot of discussions. I never wanted my story to be ready or discussed. I knew people might not like my story or get so disturbed. A story that had so many things in it that would be difficult to handle emotionally. I wanted it to remain a secret as long as it could be. I was aware that my story teller would share everything the moment someone saw it. The day did come when I had left and the storyteller was left alone to be read. My storyteller, the diary that knew about me more than anyone else.
The diary that gets a read once you have exited and leave only the thing that could speak about you. The words written by you are not known by anyone as you never share what you feel in total about anything and anyone. It’s a secret between you and the diary that suddenly breaks the silence once you leave. The diary which was my story teller.This little book is a storyteller as nobody actually knows what it is that you hide behind the smile. The smile that was the cover up for all you did feel. There were times you wanted to speak but there was so much that your mind decided to keep it within and not reveal.
Some of us do have a storyteller , very precious to us . We can share anything at any time.
But what happens when the storyteller is caught? There are so many emotions that get attached to it. There are so many revelations, there are discussions and outbursts . You suddenly realised that a book seemed more trustworthy than the people around. These diaries carry so much within them. Laughter, excitement, doubts, questions, heartbreaks, disappointment, anger and happiness. Why do people not share with those around? Why is it that you hide what you feel? Are humans not trustworthy? I guess we are not and so some of us take help of this diary, our storyteller.
I think we live our lives not being real to ourselves . We try to camouflage our feelings , our likes, dislikes and agreements and disagreements. Somewhere I think we do not hurt people around us or do not want to lose someone or are scared of confronting them. Then we make the storyteller our companion because it accepts and listens to what you need to say. It does so without judgement. I guess in today’s world there are hardly any storytellers amongst the humans . I guess each one is looking to find one or has found. Why not trust each other for a change. Why can’t we be a support, why can’t we just share without judging each other.
Unfortunately, we are living our lives pleasing people around and bringing conflict with ourselves. This takes a toll on our mental and physical health. This is proven with the fact of innumerable diseases and illness around.
Be someone’s story teller , be the person your dear ones can rely on. Remember when you are not, you will suddenly come across the Storyteller which will spill all the secrets of someone who had no one to understand and share. The storyteller became their best companion and hope in despair.

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