Hear what She has to say!

“I never knew you till I grew up and maybe I still don’t know. The day I was born I just saw you there near me all the time. I did not know how to talk but I could only hear you being addressed as papa. I was always comfortable in my mother’s lap cause you were not very comfortable in holding me. I used to hold on to your collar in fear if you would drop me. As I grew up I gradually started understanding and my mother was surprised that ‘ Pa’ was the first thing I said. I saw how delighted you were to hear that and as I grew comfortable with you so did I see you comfortable to hold me as I became a little big. I remember you holding my finger whenever we were out.We gradually started being together and you would make me do all the adventurous things and it was you I would look for if I needed to have fun. Now I am big and you not so young, we are more of friends as I have none. Maybe you cared for me a bit too much or maybe it was too much of rules set by you in the house. I have no where to go, nor any friends around. I know you love me and I love you too but I wish you let me a little loose so that I can understand life in a way I want to.”
As parents we always want to be good to our kids. We all live them, we are always there to guide and support but at times we forget that we have a human being whom we are raising to face the world. They too need their space, a little freedom, a little trust to explore life their way. The world is no longer how it was in our times. Everything is new and so should be the rules. Its important to draw a line but before it the race needs to begin to reach that line. Life is an obstacle course and we need to cross it when it comes, as only then can we let our children live their life , not repeat what we have done. We are not perfect, we have our flaws so let our children find their own by moving ahead in life not with you holding their hands but being always there to guide. She might not be holding your finger now but she knows whenever she needs to hold on you will always be there lending your hand to hold on.

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