I don’t feel safe!

Home is safest place!
Both were scared to be home. It was better that they would be somewhere else than be in this ‘SAFEST’ place. They never felt secure for there were people who made life as scary and horrific as could be. Age was not a number , nor a sign of maturity for they would be a target for someone’s most ridiculous pleasure. There was no way to escape, there was no one to believe that, home never felt safe for them. This lockdown I wonder must have opened up for many and been the most dreadful thing for some. I feel there will be many who would prefer staying out rather than get back home. Today it is a compulsion to be in to save ourselves. But for some it be better to be out to save from the evil and dreadful gestures. They would prefer staying out for something which might be deadly but better than being the daily victim of absurd moments.
I know today you will find me writing on this strange topic but at times when I read or hear about the different kinds of abuse both men and women go through my heart goes out for all those who fall prey. How can we expect them to stay in and go through whatever they are. There is no one who comes around, no one seen for months so what does one do? They cannot raise a voice, some might but not all. Does home feel safe for them. It will never be. It totally destroys them mentally, emotionally and of course physically. They cannot escape . Will they ever build trust in anyone, in any relationship? Will they be confident about anything or feel secure anywhere? Every human will be a threat to them for they will never have faith.
I wish and pray these innocent souls get the strength to fight out, get a voice to stop and help from even who in the house are unaware of what’s going on. Hope no one judges them but believes in what they share. If they say I don’t feel safe, find out and help.It saddens me to read and hear and we feel so helpless . By the time we come to know the damage is done physically and mentally

3 thoughts on “I don’t feel safe!”

  1. This is of course the other side of the bitter story… the quiet side… the covered up, bruises side… the rotten smell of a family that is hidden from the world… or those in one’s world who pretend not to see…

    I understand your tears… your empathy… would that those who could did… so this possible cycle would end, and not infect a coming generation…

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