The sun rays

A little ray of sunshine just peeped through the window.late that I was to bed and feelings a bit low , I never looked at it till one beam added to another to light up my room , it seemed telling me it is the moment for you to get up and make your dreams come true. My room just had the sunlight peeping from wherever gaps it did reach and soon I sat and saw the rays like a spotlight in me. It is your day again, another chance and opportunity.dont laze around for long said the rays to me. I never wanted to move from bed, I was not feeling good at all but somehow I felt the sun was up to help me today in whatever was going to be . I sat and remembered those days when I was small , how I would play with these rays of the sun. I remember trying to grab them in my hand when I saw them as A line in my room.i thought I had held them and when I opened my tiny first I was a bit confused. I would run to get my small toy tea cup to gather the rays in it and was thrilled to see it fall on it. It made me feel I had achieved so much in life. A little baby who wanted the golden light always by her side.
The sun beams seem adamant more than me but I found it beautiful to see how they still enter through every opening or gap in the room just to play with the little girl inside me. My address might have changed though now I live alone but these sun’s rays seemed to never leave me alone. I smiled in bed and then got up, the room looked so bright and golden now and walked up to the window and opened the window to let the sun rays come in.
Every new day brings with it something that is naturally beautiful and so calming . It could be these beautiful rays of sun pulling you out of bed. It could be the chirping of the birds outside in their nest. It could be the bells or the pray that you could hear or it could be the rain that makes you feel cool and pleasant early in the morning. The morning hour is the best experience . You can connect beautifully with nature . In fact it is the only time throughout the day when the noise is on mute and life speaks to you. When the sun beams quietly walk in, when the trees just sway in the cool breeze that you can see. When the birds chirp and hop around outside on the tall tree. When the soul just connects with the divine and the sound of prayer somewhere speaks of hope I someone up there.
How many of you do get up in the wee hours of morning being an audience to the beauty of nature. You should experience it once. I could not resist and got up from being remembering the girl who wanted to grab the golden light for herself. It gave me energy and the will to begin again and a smile on the face just telling the sun , you have been naughty once again.

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